Visit the website here.

Security cameras are everywhere and there's a rising issue with breaches and leaks. 
How would you feel knowing someone unknown watched you on a private camera?
Starting from actual leaked cameras from 6 countries around the world that were tracked and identified, this project aims to inform and warn the audience by unveiling the process of tracing where a camera is located and who and what they are surveilling.

Research Process
A group of countries was chosen and within those, cameras from Insecam with a minimum amount of clues were selected. Then the tracking process started, examining details and following clues up to the point of finding the contact information for the cameras. The final step was electing one tracked camera per country.


Having the research data, the next step was creating the narrative, composed mainly of videos: a good way to distill the tracking process and to keep the suspense of the call. Between each video we ask viewers to respond simple questions, giving power of choice to continue or stop digging into the privacy of the cameras we investigated.

Website and Narrative Structure

The user is presented with videos and by choosing to continue, goes deeper into the findings of a camera. In the end,
a guide offers advice on how to protect security cameras from being invaded or leaked.

User Experience Scenario

While visiting the website for the complete experience is recommended, here the user journey throughout the site and its videos (play them!) is unraveled and commented.

Website Access

The introductory video briefly explains the project and instigates the user on its concerns.

There are six different cameras to choose from. In this scenario, lets choose "All Around",
the title given for the narrative around a leaked camera in Brazil. 

Process Video 1
The first video explaining how the camera was tracked starts.

Question 1
This is the first moment when the user is questioned about wether or not proceeding into the findings. 
The idea is to engage through this sense of sneaking into private information.

Process Video 2
Here, the actual data about the place behind the camera is revealed.

A question about calling the place with the camera.

For those accepting it, some suggestions for the call are provided.

Suspense is withdrawn: for privacy reasons the call has already been made and sensitive data hidden.
he viewer is invited to watch its recording.

Call Video
The actual call, previously recorded by the project's team, is displayed on video.

As the last part of the narrative, a guide showing straight forward information on how to protect security cameras is shown.

Thank you for watching!
Done in the 3rd Phase of the Density Design course at Politecnico di Milano.

Project by:
Cristina Pita da Veiga
Evansha Agrawal
Guilherme Appolinário
Maria Almeida
Natalia Malaver
Rebeca Vittorazo

More info on the Density Design program here.
Project presentation available on Youtube.



The project aims to inform and warn the audience by unveiling the process of tracing camera location and who and what they are surveilling.
